Friday, February 18, 2011

In the mean time...

So, as most of you know, Dan left yesterday for his training at Goodfellow. I am very happy to say that we (Orion and I) will be heading out of here around the end of March. I can't wait to get to Maryland and get stuff unpacked. We left most of our decorations packed up here because we knew we wouldn't be here long. I am so ready to see my pretty pictures back on the walls!
In the mean time, I'm trying to work more on my photography and work with Orion lots.I still have so much to learn about my camera and all its capabilities. Plus, I'm still learning how to use some good editing software. Crazy stuff! I'm trying to teach Orion to recognize all the letters,not just the ones in his name.  He can say the alphabet but I want him to recognize what he's saying now. His attention span is like non-existent so we will do the flash cards a couple times through out the day.
I've also decided to take these few months and focus on my self. Started exercising again today and making sure I do my back stretches a few times a day so that I'm not in so much pain all the time.
So,anyhow, that's what I'll be doing in the mean time...

Just wanted to throw in a pretty picture for you ;)


  1. This is a big adventure for you! I am glad it is happening! I cant wait to see you and Orion. I have missed all of you very much. The closer you and your family move to us the better I feel knowing that our little family is back together!

  2. Its going to come sooo quickly! Good luck!
